Our Curriculum

  • Early Years Foundation Stage

    We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EFYS) curriculum, where learning is laid out under seven areas consisting of three Prime Areas and four Specific Areas. We record children’s progress across the different areas of learning, as outlined by the EYFS, by carrying out regular observations. This provides staff with a base to help individual children achieve outcomes from these observations, they can plan for a stimulating environment for children, including resources, activities and staff deployment. We have adopted the Tapestry online learning journal system which helps us observe and evaluate the learning experience of all our children.

    Scroll across to find out more about the three Prime Areas and four Specific Areas.

  • The three prime areas of EYFS:

    Personal, Social and Emotional Development

    This area of learning is about emotional wellbeing, knowing who you are, where you fit in, and feeling good about yourself.

    Communication and Language

    This huge area encompasses a variety of ways to begin to interact with one another by building meaningful, responsive and respectful relationships children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary and fluency by speaking and listening.

    Physical Development

    This area is about improving skills of co-ordination, agility, control, manipulation and movement by developing key gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

  • The four specific areas of EYFS:

    Mathematical Development

    We use lots of practical activities so that children become familiar with sorting, sequencing, patterns and counting. As they develop their mathematical understanding, they will use more mathematical language to describe shape, position, size, volume and number.


    We actively encourage our children to respect and interact with a range of books. Children will learn that writing has a purpose, and when they are ready to make marks and symbols on paper, they’ll begin to establish pre-writing skills and finally leading onto correct letter formation.

    Understanding of the World

    Children are naturally inquisitive and are excited to play, explore, learn, imagine, discover and wonder by developing the crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that helps them to make sense of the world around them. The children celebrate festivals and cultures from around the world giving them an understanding and respect of similarities and differences between themselves and others.

    Expressive Arts and Design

    We support the children to use their imagination and creativity by exploring a variety of textures, mediums, resources and colour.

  • We have a language table which is used daily to support children who have been identified with a possible speech and language delay.

  • The children choose, through child initiated play, whether to play/learn as a team or individually using a range of resources.

  • Daily story time encourages children to think about and experience narrative, written language, rhyming and sounds.

  • We have multiple table top activities for craft, mark making, construction, mathematics and ICT.